Hair fall treatment

Hair fall
Aloveragel ko oil mei mix kar k roots mei lgaye nahnay say do ghntay phlay hair fall khtm ho gai
Hair growth
Olive oil mei caster oil brabar quainty mei mix kar k rakh lay nahnay say do ghntay phlay use kray best ha
Shampoo mei alovergel ko mix kar k rakh lay
Shampoo ki full bottle say half shampoo nikal k save kar lay Jo half bottel mei reh gya aloveragel ko bowl mei grand kar k uis mei Jo half bottle wala shampoo axhay say mix kar bottle mei save kar lay nhntay wqat woh shampoo use kray hair smooth bi dandruff bi khtam strong bi
Hair Mask for damaged rough hairs
Take 1/4 piece of a peeled cucumber
 Two tsp of olive oil
  A whole egg....
 Mix them well to get a uniform mixture and then apply to your hair as well as scalp. Leave for 30 minutes and then wash with mild shampoo. Do this twice or thrice a week.......
Hair Serum For Straight Hair
2 tsp of coconut oil
2 tsp of soy oil
2 tsp of olive oil
2tsp of jojoba oil
Mix the oils together
Warm it a little in a microwave......
Apply it on your hair thoroughly.
Run your finger through your hair from the root to the tip until the strands become straight.
Wash it off with a mild shampoo after 30 min
Hair Mask for fast Hair Growth...
In a clean bowl, add 1 tbsp of coconut oil, 1 tbsp of olive oil and 1 tbsp of honey.
 Mix them well and then add one egg to the mixture and mix again to get a uniform consistency.
Apply this mask to your scalp and hair thoroughly.Rinse with a gentle shampoo. Do this twice a week...........
Haircare tips
2. Don’t use the cheap shampoos on your hairs. These types of cheap quality shampoos damage your hairs and as result your hairs get rough and start falling.
3. Should not be combed his hair right after shampooing. Only when the hair is dried, combed through carefully with the brush. Blow dry, stressed how damaging healthy hair.
4. If your hairs are slightly dull and lose their luster To prevent this, the secret of the stars should help. Simply rinse hair after lathering with a liter of still mineral water. Mineral water contains no lime, which could make the hair dull.
5. Hair must be washed, and they have to be combed or brushed also. But that alone is not enough to look forward to healthy , shiny hair may. For hair care include hair treatments as well as hair balm or hair conditioners.
6. If you want to give your fine hair more volume and grip, try gelatin. It locks in moisture and strengthens hair.
Enter at shampooing 1 tablespoon gelatin powder for shampoo and wash the hair with this mixture as usual.


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