How to make lipstick and lip gloss

Home made lipstick
Things that u need
1spoon alovera gel (Market wala)
Half spoon foundation
3 drops Almond oil
3 drops olive oil
3 drops red food color
3 drops orange food color
Ye sari cheezen mix Karen Aap ki homemade liquid lipstick tyar hai....
Lip care tips

  • Pour 1 tbsp Honey and 2 tbsp Lime juice in a cup and stir well.
  • The mixture over the lip every day for about four days in a natural way to lighten your upper lip color. Make sure the mixture on the lip leave for at least 30 minutes.

  • Mix 1 cup coriander with a small amount of water in a blender. Pressing, pass the juice from the coriander with a fine sieve. Dip a cotton ball in the juice and spread the juice over the upper lip every night before bedtime for 15 days
  • Exfoliate your lips with a lip scrub and then apply 1 tsp Almond oil . Let the almond oil on the lips sit for at least an hour. Do this every day for several weeks.Exfoliate your lips with a lip scrub and then apply 1 tsp Almond oil . Let the almond oil on the lips sit for at least an hour. Do this every day for several weeks.


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