how to lose belly fat

belly fat kam karny ki best drink
Hot water 1 glass
Ginjer paste 1 tsp
Lemon half fresh juice
Honey 1 tsp
Daar cheeni powder quater tsp
Gram pani k glass mei adrak aur daar cheeni dal k dhak dein 10 minute phir jab neem garam ho jaye to honey aur lemon juice mila k pi lain roz subha nashte say adha ghanta phele one month mei bally fat kam ho jayega......
Cucumber fat loss drink 
1 cucumber
a bunch of parsley or cilantro
1 lemon
1 tbsp grated ginger
1 tbsp aloe vera juice
1/2 glass water
Juice above ingredients and consume the drink before going to bed. You can continue it for a month and then take a break of one week. If you need, you can start the cycle again.

Grapefruit drink

500 ml of grapefruit juice (fresh or packaged)
500 ml of sparkling water
1 glass of water
2 cinnamon sticks
1 anise seed
mint leaves
some sugar
Combine the sugar, water and cinnamon in a pan and make a syrup. Simmer it for five to ten minutes until the sugar melts. Let it cool down. Mix together the juice, syrup and sparkling water in a pitcher. Add ice and garnish it with mint

 lemon drink
1 liter of sparkling water
Squeeze the juice out of four lemons. Slice the last lemon into circles. Combine the juice and sparkling water in a jar. Serve the lemonade with ice and mint.

Apple cider drink
1 liter of apple juice
100 ml of lemon juice
1 lemon
Slice the lemon into circles. Combine the apple and lemon juices in a pitcher. Add the lemon slices, mint and ice. You can serve the drink with slices of apple.

Exercises to Lose Double Chin Naturally
To get rid of neck fat, keep yourself always hydrated, and it is the best for the cure of double chin. Facial exercises are also the most important for the removal of double chin. Here are a few exercises very effective to reduce double chin and face fat shared below.

1- Blow up your left cheek and count five. After this, do the same with your right cheek. Do this for 20 times at least.
2- The next exercise is to blow kisses. This involves jaw workout. Blow kisses everywhere, and you need to do it continuously for 100 times.
3- Another exercise is chewing. Chew without using chewing gum. Use fennel seeds instead tof it.
4- Look up to the ceiling and strain the neck muscles. Keep your mouth wide and open. The exercise helps in losing face fat fast.
These exercises to reduce double chin and face fat are easy to do. Also, these bring quick result. So, take these exercises, and get rid of a double chin naturally.


  1. I am 34 married n have 4 kidz...since last 10 months i gain too much weight i am 5.2 n my weight is 78kg...n problm is my is increasing i m very worried.i m i reduce my belly fat.plz tell

    1. Hello! maryam U can use the drink above and do follow the diet plan you can search for diet plan post in blog search....


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